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Immagine del redattoreLotta Böhm

Benefits of local agriculture in the context of the ‘Youth4Rural’ project

This project was created by the following three actors: LAG Bosutski niz, a Croatian

local action group committed to the sustainable development of rural areas,

JOAMAR2010, a Spanish company that values the production of local farmers,

EUROPEAN ALPE ADRIA PANNONIA CLUSTER, a cluster founded in Serbia with the

aim of developing rural areas and cooperation between European regions.

Aims of the project:

The project aims to support the promotion of local products and promote their

entrepreneurial skills. Furthermore, empower young people in rural areas and create

appropriate methodologies to learn how to develop local trade. It aims to change

consumption habits that are harmful to the environment and have a negative impact on

climate change. The aim is to facilitate the transition to a sustainable and inclusive

economy. Promote products in rural areas to revitalise the economy in a sustainable

way. Involve the local catering industry and encourage the successful creation of small

rural businesses and strengthen existing ones. The project also aims to reduce the

unemployment rate. This is still a major problem in some parts of Europe.

The advantages of local products

Local produce is good for the environment. Transporting food over long distances

causes high CO2 emissions. Local produce has shorter transport distances, which

reduces the carbon footprint and helps combat climate change. Buying local products

strengthens the local economy. The consumer supports farmers and producers in the

region. This can lead to a stronger community and economic stability. This is

particularly important in Spain. Jobs are created, which helps with unemployment.

Another strong and important point is the quality of local products. These are often

fresher as they do not have to be stored for long periods and do not have to be

transported all over the world. Less means are needed to preserve the products, which

is why they often taste better. In addition, fruit and vegetables can be harvested when

ripe, as they are quickly passed on to the consumer. By consuming seasonal products,

a varied and healthy diet is promoted, the environment can be protected, and natural

growth cycles can be respected. With local products, it is often easier to trace the origin

and production conditions. This creates trust and enables consumers to make informed

choices. Local products have shorter supply chains, which reduces the risk of food

waste due to transport and storage problems.

My opinion

The project is aimed at a young target group that is very familiar with the Internet. In

the Metaverse there is a quiz in which a character answers questions on the topics

covered in a playful way.

I think it is particularly important and valuable to create an awareness of nutrition,

agriculture and the production of our own food among the next generation and the

target group of young people addressed in this project. This is the generation ‘of

tomorrow’ that will decide which new paths and directions will be taken and which tried

and tested directions will be retained. This is where the project sets important accents

through its prevention work.

In addition, the young people learn practical life skills such as cooking and sustainable

gardening. This can be a great help to them for the rest of their lives!

I believe that regional and local agriculture should be supported because it is important

to protect the environment and live more sustainably. When I buy products from my

region, I know that they haven't travelled long distances. That reduces CO₂ emissions.

What's more, the food usually tastes better and is fresher because it doesn't have to be

stored for a long time and is harvested when ripe.

Supporting the local economy is also important to me. I want the farmers in my

neighbourhood to be paid fairly and to be able to maintain their businesses. This

strengthens the community and creates local jobs. It gives me a good feeling when I

know that my money stays in the region and doesn't go to large, anonymous


Another point is transparency. I can find out directly from the farmers about their

cultivation methods and be sure that no harmful pesticides are used. That gives me

confidence in the quality of the products I buy. Crises like the coronavirus pandemic

also show us that it's not always possible to rely on other countries. It is important to be

well positioned in your own country and the first step here is to promote agriculture. We

humans can't function without food.

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The product developed here as part of the Erasmus+ project "Stories that sew wings​  2024-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000255317" was developed with the support of the European Commission and reflects exclusively the opinion of the author. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of the documents.


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