The Youth Rural project has been designed with the vision of promoting the culinary arts
while encouraging young people to get involved in using local agricultural produce, thereby
encouraging a return to their roots in line with traditions. Another key aim of the project is to
strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of the young participants.
The benefits of the Youth Rural project are manifold:
Firstly, the culinary arts will be promoted. By focusing on traditional cooking and the use of
local produce, the project preserves and promotes the region's culinary heritage. This in turn
fosters a greater appreciation of the local food culture.
Secondly, the project strengthens support for local agriculture by encouraging young people
to work with local produce. This stimulates the rural economy and contributes to
environmental sustainability by reducing emissions linked to the transport of foodstuffs. At
the same time, this approach allows a return to nature and a connection with the land.
By actively involving young people in food production, the project raises their awareness of
the importance of healthy eating, with an emphasis on local produce and traditional recipes.
This in turn encourages the adoption of healthier and more environmentally sustainable
eating practices.
The aim of the Youth 4 rural products project is also to create local jobs. By strengthening
local agriculture and promoting culinary businesses, the project is helping to create new jobs
in rural areas, thereby helping to reduce youth unemployment and revitalize local
It also helps to strengthen social ties. Indeed, the participation of young people in the project
strengthens social ties within the rural community, encouraging the exchange of knowledge
and experience between different generations.
Finally, the project offers the young participants an invaluable opportunity to develop
essential entrepreneurial skills. By actively involving them in the management of local
culinary enterprises, the project encourages the development of skills such as management,
decision-making and resource management. This experience prepares them to become
successful economic players in their communities. They also have the opportunity to explore
innovation in the culinary industry, establish professional networks and benefit from support
in terms of resources and mentoring. These experiences boost their self-confidence and
entrepreneurial spirit, preparing them for successful careers as innovative and committed
To conclude the Youth Rural project offers a comprehensive approach that combines cultural
preservation, economic development, environmental sustainability and personal development.
Through this initiative, young participants have the opportunity to make a positive
contribution to their community while developing valuable skills for their future careers