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What is this project about?

Sibilla Antonelli

Aggiornamento: 9 gen

The youth 4 rural products is a full project who require a lot of needs. This project is about

sustainable agriculture and introducing young people to the culinary arts.

It is essential to provide basic food safety training for young participants. They should learn

about good hygiene practices, correct food handling, prevention of food poisoning, etc.

Make sure that all participants know and respect food safety standards.

There is also a need of well-equipped and safe kitchen to enable young people to prepare

their food in complete safety. Make sure that the facilities meet safety standards and that

the necessary equipment is available, such as cooking utensils, appropriate knives,

chopping boards, pots and pans, etc.

Encourage the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients. Explain to young people the importance

of choosing quality products and supporting local producers. This will help them discover

the authentic flavours of food and understand the importance of a balanced diet.

The organisation is really important also because it will encourage the young participants

into teams in a way of collaboration and team spirit. Encourage them to work together,

share their knowledge and ideas, and help each other out. This will also help develop

social and communication skills.

It can be beneficial to have chefs or culinary arts professionals to supervise the young

participants. Take the opportunity to make young people aware of the importance of a

balanced, healthy diet. Incorporate elements of nutrition education into the project,

explaining the benefits of the different food groups, the concepts of portion size and food

balance, etc.

If possible, provide young people with access to land or gardening areas where they can

grow their own plants. This could be in community gardens, school grounds, or even pots

on balconies or terraces. Teach young people about sustainable farming techniques, such

as permaculture, crop rotation, chemical-free pest and disease management, composting,


Make young people aware of the importance of using natural resources responsibly. Teach

them how to save water, use efficient irrigation methods, manage organic waste and

reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment.

As well as growing food, encourage young people to understand the importance of

responsible consumption. Talk to them about issues related to the food industry, such as

food waste, buying locally and fairly, and the impact of their food on the environment.

Set up a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the project's progress. This can

include indicators such as the amount of food produced, the knowledge acquired by the

young people, the sustainable practices put in place, etc.



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The product developed here as part of the Erasmus+ project "Stories that sew wings​  2024-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000255317" was developed with the support of the European Commission and reflects exclusively the opinion of the author. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of the documents.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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