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Immagine del redattoreGiovanni Bolognesi

Young rural entrepreneurs: promoting km 0 and territorial products

In recent years, more and more young entrepreneurs are entering the agricultural and rural sectors with the aim of promoting locally sourced and local products. This trend reflects a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable food production, respect for the environment and valorization of local resources. Furthermore, young rural entrepreneurs are helping to strengthen the bond between people and their land, promoting a return to traditions and the authenticity of local products.

The phenomenon of km 0 and territorial products: Zero km products, defined as those originating from a maximum distance of 100 kilometers from the place of production to the point of sale have gained increasing popularity in recent years. These products not only offer environmental benefits, such as the reduction of transport-related CO2 emissions, but they also represent a guarantee of freshness and quality for consumers. Young rural entrepreneurs, aware of these consumer needs, are focusing on the production and promotion of km 0 products.

Another fundamental aspect young rural entrepreneurs promote is the enhancement of local

resources. These young people, often coming from families with an agricultural tradition rooted in the territory, know how important it is to preserve and promote biodiversity and the peculiarities of each region. For example, they may grow varieties of fruit and vegetables typical of their area or raise native breeds of farm animals. In this way, they contribute to preserving local agricultural traditions and the community economy.

Many young rural entrepreneurs consciously choose to return to their roots and develop an

entrepreneurial activity linked to their land. This decision is often motivated by the desire to

reconnect with nature, to live a healthier life in harmony with the surrounding environment. They see farming as a way of life and not just a job and are willing to devote their time and energy to preserving the beauty and fertility of their lands.

Young rural entrepreneurs who promote km 0 and territorial products are playing a key role in enhancing sustainable agriculture and recovering the link between people and their land. Through their entrepreneurial activities, they are stimulating the local economy by preserving agriculture and offering traditions.

Giovanni Bolognesi

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