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Immagine del redattoreCasilda Le Vourch

Youth 4 Rural: a project coordinated by experience and common objectives

The Youth 4 Rural project is the result of collaboration between three major stakeholders: JOAMAR2010, LAG Bosutski niz and EUROPEAN ALPE ADRIA PANNONIA CLUSTER. It was born of a desire to revitalise rural areas, encourage local trade and offer young people a framework for getting involved and taking on responsibilities. These associations each bring a wealth of expertise and experience to achieving these objectives, dealing with the specific challenges faced by rural areas in Europe, such as depopulation, unemployment and limited access to services. Through the Youth 4 Rural project, they are also promoting the ambition of reducing the impact of European agriculture on health and the environment.


Founded twelve years ago in Spain, JOAMAR2010 specialises in promoting local products. The association reinforces local economies by organising a variety of events to enhance regional products, from wine tastings to cooking demonstrations. It also receives internships and trains young people in entrepreneurship through the EntreComp framework (or European Framework of Entrepreneurial Competences). JOAMAR2010 is therefore implementing measures to give young people the skills they need to become entrepreneurs and agents of change in their communities. This is reflected in the Youth 4 Rural project.

The association's ambition is particularly necessary because of the specific problems of rural areas in Spain, which are facing increasing desertification and a lack of economic opportunities for young people. By offering them the means to stay and prosper in their native regions, JOAMAR2010 is combating these tendencies. These problems are common to many rural areas in Europe, hence the desire to carry out a more global project with Youth 4 Rural. The association also promotes sustainable and ecological agriculture by favouring local and seasonal products, thereby reducing the environmental footprint and encouraging more responsible consumption that is also beneficial to health.


On the other hand, the EUROPEAN ALPE ADRIA PANNONIA cluster, created in 2014 in Serbia, aims at rural development and cooperation between European regions. It gathers various institutions and organisations to promote innovation in agriculture, the development of rural and ecological tourism, and informal education. Among projects similar to Youth 4 Rural, the cluster has taken part in the " Sustainability as a recovery tool for small tourism enterprises " initiative, which focuses on environmental and social responsibility in tourism.

It also works with young people aged between 20 and 30, helping them to set up rural businesses. The association offers training tools and organises events to boost young people's entrepreneurial skills, while promoting sustainable development and environmental protection. Like the Youth 4 Rural project, it promotes sustainable agriculture by encouraging farming practices that respect the environment, while supporting local producers who adopt ecological production methods.


Finally, based in Croatia, the LAG Bosutski niz association was founded in 2011 to promote the sustainable development of rural areas. It implements local development strategies by including all the stakeholders in the community. LAG Bosutski niz works with young people to improve their social and entrepreneurial skills and encourage them to take part in projects for social change. One notable project is "LAG-am-Aktivni mladi", funded by the European Social Fund, which aims to improve the social and entrepreneurial skills of young people aged between 15 and 30.

Its experience in informal education and professional training is an advantage for the Youth 4 Rural project, the aim of which is to help young people find local economic opportunities and fight to reduce inequalities between urban and rural areas. For example, LAG Bosutski niz has developed a mobile application, RuralNET, to connect offers and requests for seasonal and student jobs in rural areas, thereby facilitating access to employment. LAG Bosutski niz is also committed to sustainable agriculture by supporting local initiatives that promote ecological farming practices, thereby helping to protect the environment and the health of consumers and farmers.


Thus, the ambitions of Youth 4 Rural are a natural extension of those of JOAMAR2010, EUROPEAN ALPE ADRIA PANNONIA CLUSTER and LAG Bosutski niz. These associations provide a framework for training, supporting and developing entrepreneurship for young people, enabling them to become agents of change in their rural communities. Their collaboration reinforces local commerce, promotes responsible consumption and helps to build a sustainable and prosperous future for Europe's rural areas. Their initiatives also demonstrate their commitment to sustainable agriculture and the promotion of healthier, more environmentally conscious lifestyles. So they are helping to combat climate change and protect biodiversity, while strengthening the local economy through the production and consumption of local produce.

Thanks to their respective experience in similar projects, these associations provide expertise that guarantees the success and sustainability of the Youth 4 Rural project.

Casilda Le Vourch

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